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Activity 9

Playing with Notes

I look forward to this activity so much because it involves music!!! When I was younger, my mother always drag me and my siblings to singing contests and talent shows. If my course is not physics, I'd be a theater major.


This activity let's make SCILAB SING SING SIIIIIIIINNNGGGG! To do this we, need to integrate a lot of the things we've learned from the past activities.

By the way, I feel so refreshed today for I finished blogging the dreaded and long Activity 8 on Morphological Operations.

Let me first discuss some music notation basics. In a stanza, there are five lines. Letters are used to denote the placement of the notes in the stanza. A sample code that makes SCILAB sing Mary had a little lamp is illustrated below:

The values of the notes are frequency values that I got from [4]. For this activity, I chose a very simple score. My childhood favorite, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. The score is shown below:

I then cropped the stanzas in GIMP:

cropped stanza 1 and 2

It is easier for me to manipulate images with a black background such that the blobs will have the highest intensity value. Using the SegmentByThreshold() function in SCILAB, I binarized the image with a threshold value of 100.

black and white thr < 100

Next, using my vast knowledge on morphological operations thanks to Activity 8, I opened the image with a vertical line 3 pixels thick thus removing horizontal profiles as shown:

clean 1

For the music that I am trying to recreate, I am only considering full notes. So my next step is to close holes and what better operation to use other than the closing operator. I used a circular structuring element with radius 6 resulting to:

clean 2

The next step is to remove the vertical lines by doing an opening operation with a horizontal line as a structuring element:

clean 3

Finally to make the blobs roundish, I open the image again but this time by using a circle with radius 6 as a structuring element:

clean 4

The next thing that I need to do is to determine the note by virtue of its vertical position. I imported the image in GIMP and identified the ranges (with corresponding frequency values) as:

C =  120 - 145     [261.63*2]

G =  77 - 107       [392.00*2]

A =  63 - 95         [440.00*2]

F =  89 - 115        [349.23*2]

E =  97 - 125        [329.63*2]

D = 108 - 135      [293.66*2]


By using SearchBlobs() and AnalyzeBlobs(), I calculated the centroid of each blob. After SearchBlobs(), the image looks like this:

When the centroid of the blob falls under a specific range of a note, it plays that note. I saved the output as an mp3 file, converted it to video using [2] and uploaded the video in YouTube. I only generated a music file for the first stanza. Feel free to listen.

The reconstruction wasn't at all perfect yet since I approximated (or closed) the half note to a full note.


My take away in this activity is that it really takes talent to do morphological operations. To further improve the quality of the reconstruction a more accurate method should be devised to depict the range of the note. My method of manually identifying in GIMP was not at all accurate.

I would give myself a rating of 12/10 for producing all the required images. I would like to thank for their very nice website platform.


[1] M. Soriano. “A9 - Playing Notes by Image Processing,” Applied Physics 186 Activity Hand-outs, 2016.

[2] [for converting my mp3 to video with a photo]


[4] Physics of Music  - Notes.

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